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St Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Go, do not be afraid and serve

Year 3/4

Year 3/4 enjoyed doing a Stormbreak this afternoon, focused on their self-care. We completed 'tech stretch' which included stretching, breathing activities and slow movements. 🧘‍♀️

Learning to play the ukulele

This half term in our music lessons, we are learning to play the ukulele with Mr Parkin. 

Multiplication in Y4

Children in Year 4 have been learning all about the multiplication of 2-digit by 1 digit numbers. We used Dienes blocks to create a number before duplicating the representation. This will ensure we are ready for our next step, using formal methods of multiplication.

Police in the Community

Today Year 3/4 and Year 4 had a very special visitor from a community police officer who spoke to us all about the role of the police. The children had lots of questions to ask and were given the opportunity to try on some police clothing and learn about all of the equipment that police officers carry daily to protect themselves and others.

African Prints with Paint

In Art, Year 3/4 have been learning about African printing and Indian embroidery. Today we used materials such as cotton wool, sponges and cotton buds to create our own African prints. 

Children's Mental Health Week

To celebrate Children's Mental Health Week, we came into school wearing our own clothes to express ourselves.

Dictionary Work

As part of our Mystery topic, we have been broadening our vocabulary by using dictionaries to define key words. We will use these words in our final piece.

Slingshot Cars - DT

This half term in Design Technology, we have designed and created our own slingshot cars. Starting with building the chassis, we used hot glue guns safely to ensure the structure was solid. Following this, we made the body of the car and a slingshot before attaching to the chassis. Finally, we evaluated the effectiveness of the product, thinking about what we each did well alongside reflecting on what we found tricky and what we would improve.

In Literacy, we have been looking at lots of different features of non-chronological reports including paragraphs, subheadings and factual language. To showcase our knowledge, we produced amazing non-chronological reports about Frida Kahlo.

Today Year 3/4 took part in a desert survival day. The children were set a series of tasks in their four groups in order to win a place on a plane. To begin the children had to put up their tents to use as a base and create a team name. Following this, each group completed a range of tasks that challenged their teamwork skills in order to win a cup of sand for their team jar. Despite the weather, the children were brilliant, working so well together and of course having lots of fun.