Science week - Feb 17, 2022
This week is Science week and our theme this year is growth.
In Reception, we have been discussing how growth isn’t always something that you can see (on the outside) but often is something that happens on the inside (personal growth- like learning to ride a bike). To start the week, the children looked at personal growth and were given the task of drawing a portrait of their friend. As a group we then talked about the ways in which we could improve our drawing e.g. focusing on proportion and shape. The children were then asked to draw a second portrait of their friend. The children were amazed to see how much ‘growth’ they have made in such a short space of time.
During the second activity the children focused on physical growth (growth you can see). The children were each given a plant pot and a Runner Bean and as a class talked about what the bean would need in order to grow. The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this activity and are excited to take care of their plant and watch it grow.