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St Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Go, do not be afraid and serve

Reception 2

Fun in Reception!

Reception 2 are really enjoying inside and outside time in the classroom. We are working well as a class; taking turns, sharing and making friends. 

Read Write Inc

Today we began our phonics lessons.  We follow Read Write Inc.  We were all amazing!  We sat and listened and learned our new sound, which was 'm'.  We then practised writing it and after that we played a game with 'Fred'.  We cannot wait to learn some more tomorrow.

Reception enjoyed running around the mile track today. Look at them go!

Number formation practise on whiteboards. We looked at the correct way to form numerals 1-10.

This week we have explored the composition of 6, 7, 8 and 9. Today, we explored the composition of 9. We dropped 9 counters into sorting hoops and then subitised how many were in and out of the hoop.

Gymnastics obstacle course. Look at our balancing skills and safe jumping!

Exploring materials. We examined the arch in the picture 'The Courtyard of a House in Delft Pieter de Hooch, 1658​ .'

Examining art. The Courtyard of a House in Delft Pieter de Hooch, 1658​ .


Let the children come to me!


We are really trying hard with our 'blending' in Reception. We are getting very good at using Fred Talk, Read the word. 

Children In Need 2023

The children have loved coming into school dressed as Pudsey and have learned all about the Children In Need charity and the work that they do to support children in the UK.

Developing our fundamentals - Balancing

Our PE unit this half term has been dedicated to improving our fundamental skills. This week we have been focusing on our balance and stability. 

Odd socks day

Reception have thoroughly enjoyed learning about 'Odd Socks Day' and understanding the importance of celebrating our differences. 

Hibernation homes

As part of our Understanding the World topic 'Changes in Autumn', Reception have been learning all about animals that hibernate. This afternoon, the children spent time designing and creating homes out of junk model materials for the animals to hibernate in during the winter. 

As part of our 'Shared snack' time on a Friday afternoon, we have been developing our spreading skills. This week, we have been learning how to spread butter onto crackers. 

Reception have loved celebrating Superhero day today! 

Don't you think we look amazing in our costumes? 

This week in Maths, Reception have been learning how to subitise to 3. 

On Thursday morning, 14 of our Reception children took part in the Primary Sports Festival at Gateshead Stadium.

The children took part in 8 different activities which tested their fitness, strength and coordination.

Each child was awarded a certificate at the end of the session to congratulate them for taking part. As a school we also won the 'Honesty award' which we were very proud of.
