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St Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Go, do not be afraid and serve

Year 1

Year 1 enjoying a break in between lessons to stretch their legs and enjoy some fresh air. Year 1 love completing the Daily Mile! 

Year 1 revisited the topic of seasons this week in Science as we took a closer look at the season of Spring. We went on a hunt around our school to find clues that spring has arrived. We had a very successful hunt, we found daffodils, bluebells, nests, trees with new blossoms and ladybugs. We are also very lucky to have a blossom tree outside our window which we have been able to watch change throughout the seasons. We had a lovely time, and it was nice to enjoy the spring weather! 

In Design Technology the children have been looking at structures. Their task was to  construct their own windmill which included making their own structure, axle and turbine. They did a fabulous job! 

Year 1 had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day. We love reading! We brought a book in and swapped with our classmates. We then had Year 5 visit us in our classroom and we read our books to them. Later on in the day we received our Willy Wonka Wonderlicious chocolate bar. Some children found a golden ticket in their chocolate bar and won gifts including toy shop vouchers, soft play vouchers and prizes for the class including extra play. 

Today we visited Nursery to meet the chicks! We all got to have a hold of one of them and we talked about how they have changed since they hatched a few days ago. 

This term children are learning dance in PE. The topic is different styles of dancing from different countries. This week we looked at America and brake dancing. The children had a fantastic time learning different moves from brake dancing to form their own sequence. They can’t wait to find out what country and theme of dance they will be exploring next week!

Children's Mental Health Week

This week children have been learning all about Children's Mental Health Week. The message this year is 'Your Voice Matters'. In class we looked at Rights Respecting Schools, Article 12 which explains to children their right to an opinion and for it to be taken seriously.

We read The Colour Monsters and explored different feelings and emotions. We set our classroom up ready for Children's Mental Health Week with a worry box and The Colour Monster jars so all children could share their feelings if they wished to.  

 Year 1 Music

Mr Parkin will be working with Year 1 for our music lessons this half term. Year 1 have loved having a try of the keyboard alongside listening to music and finding the pulse, rhythm and tempo of the music. 

Father Christmas  visits Year 1

What a magical day! Today the children met and learned about reindeers and they met Father Christmas. They also all received a lovely chocolate gift, a stocking, candy cane, and ingredients to make magical reindeer food to take home ready for Christmas eve. This was a wonderful experience for the children. 

Leam Lane library visit

Today we visited Leam Lane library. The librarian read us a story and then we got to choose our own book to take home. We all had a great time!

Comparing toys that our grandparents played with and toys from today. 

Year 1 are learning all about toys that their grandparents played with. Children have been comparing toys from the 1960’s to toys they play with today. Children have had the opportunity to look at primary sources, discussing the differences and similarities of the toys. The children really enjoyed the opportunity to look at toys from the past. 

Children in Need 2023

The children have had a wonderful day today, they came into school dressed up for Children in Need day. They learned all about the Children in Need charity and the work that they do to support children in the United Kingdom. The children enjoyed talking about their Pudsey outfits to their classmates.