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St Augustine's Catholic Primary School

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Nursery Page: 2022-2023

As part of our new topic 'Let's Explore our World', we have been learning about the adventures of bees.  We were fascinated to find out that bees collect nectar and turn it into honey.  We watched a video about a bee keeper who showed us how he collected the honey and it looked so yummy!  We then decided that we wanted to eat some honey.  We sat together and ate honey on toast.

We have enjoyed looking after our plants and watching them grow.  We know that they need water and sunshine to help them to grow.  Some of our plants have flowers on them.  We all love to take turns to water the plants.  We cannot give them too much water or they might die.  We love to watch them and can talk about the different stages of their growth.  Well done Nursery.

Dolly's Clothes


Mrs Heron from our school office and one of her friends very kindly knitted our dollies some new clothes.  The children were very grateful and have loved role playing with the dolls and their new clothes.  The children showed great independence and can put the doll's clothes on all by themselves.  They also showed great care whilst looking after the babies.  

We received a very special delivery of eggs in Nursery.  The children watched as the eggs hatched and we had 9 baby chicks to care for.  The children were so patient whilst they waited and watched the chicks in the incubator.  Once they were fluffy and dry, we were able to hold them.  The children showed great care and concern and have enjoyed looking after them and watching them grow.

This morning some of the children in Nursery had a fabulous time outside getting the flower beds ready for Spring. They needed to use all of their strength to dig up the soil from the wheelbarrows to put into the flower beds. Once the frost and snow has gone, we will be able to plant some flowers for the bees.

World Book Day!


We love reading and sharing stories in nursery. We had the most amazing day for World Book Day today. It was wonderful to see so many grown ups in the hall to share lots of bedtime stories. We had cosy stations with blankets, cushions, juice and biscuits! Thank you to all of the grown ups who attended.

Children's Mental Health Week


The children had a great week for children's mental health week.  They decided that being kind to one another made them feel good.  It was our mission to be kind and help each other and the children were very successful.  They made cards and pictures and tried their hardest to share, take turns and be kind towards one another.  During group time, we talked about what makes us feel happy and what makes us feel unhappy.  We read the colour monster again and discussed the different feelings.  We like to feel happy, calm and loved!

Early Years Library


Reading is a very important part of our curriculum.  It is crucial that we begin our reading journey in Nursery and spark our imagination.  We love going along to the library once a week to choose a story to take home.  We can share our stories with our families at home and then bring them back to school to choose another one.  It is important that we have reading role models at home as well as at home.  Happy reading everyone!

Today the children at the beginning of the week enjoyed using their rhythm sticks. We used them in lots of different ways such as rolling, tapping and even making animals! The children were so enthusiastic. It was a very good activity to help develop their fine motor skills which will support with writing when they move to reception. The children listened to their instructions and worked very well.

Today we were amazing!  We completed our 'Santa Dash'.  We ran around the track with our Santa hats on.  Everyone received a certificate, a selection box and a candy cane.  We even got to keep our Santa hats.  Thank you to everyone who collected sponsor money.

In Nursery we have been learning to use Makaton.  Makaton is a great way to communicate, the children are very enthusiastic and always try their best when making each sign.  We are trying very hard to remember each sign.  This week we have been learning animal names.

The children in Nursery are working so hard on their gross motor skills.  Each child has their own ribbon wand and we complete our ribbon dancing.  We need to use our muscles to complete the different movements such as stretching up high and going round and round. Have a look at our photographs to see how hard we work.

Ribbon Dancing