Year 3
The human skeleton
This half term, Year 3 have been exploring the topic 'Animals including Humans'. In todays lesson we learned about the different bones in our bodies and how they fit together to create our skeleton.
World Book Day at the Library

Year 3 visited the library this afternoon in order to celebrate World Book Day.
The Librarians had planned a lovely session which included listening to a range of stories and poems, playing a horrible histories game and then finally choosing a new library book to take home.
World Book Day!
Year 3 have loved taking part in World Book Day!
We spent the day completing a range of activities all linked to our theme 'Wonka'.
It was a great day from start to finish.
Performing my list poem

Year 3 have been writing their own list poem this week. After publishing our final piece, we rehearsed and then performed them to our peers.
Egyptian dancing

We are very lucky to work with Rachael (the dance teacher) this half term in PE, to perfect our Egyptian dancing. During todays lesson, we explored the different shapes and symbols used in the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Take a look at some of the 'stills' we created.
DT- Textiles

As part of our Autumn DT (textiles) project, Year 3 have worked hard, designing and creating their own cushions. Along the way, the children have enhanced their sewing skills by learning how to use a cross and running stitch, to join 2 pieces of fabric.
Flexible partitioning

Today Year 3 have challenged themselves to partition 3 digit numbers in a range of ways 'flexible partitioning'. We started by partitioning into hundreds, tens and ones and then using Base ten explored partitioning in different ways.
Partitioning 3-digit numbers

This week, Year 3 have been learning how to partition 3 digit numbers in a range of different ways.
Science investigation

This half term in science, Year 3 are learning all about light. As part of our first lesson, the children took part in an experiment which explored 'the absence of light'. The children had a range of objects inside a feely/black out bag and they had to try and guess what was inside the bag using only their sense of touch. This experiment was a great insight into what life would be like without light.