Uniform Information
Reception to Year 6

Uniform items |
Uniform items (sweatshirts, cardigans and school ties) can be ordered online at: www.jkschoolwearandworkwear.co.uk or in store (see below for contact details).
Please note: Children must wear ordinary school shoes and must not wear shoes with heels or trainers/sandshoes as part of the regular school uniform.
Please make sure that all uniform is clearly named or marked in a way that children can recognise their clothing. Iron-on uniform labels may be ordered from our school uniform supplier, J K Schoolwear. (See below for contact details)
P.E. Kit
Outdoor Kit: | Indoor Kit: |
In Nursery children can wear an optional uniform which is:
- a green sweatshirt (available to buy from J K Schoolwear)
- a white polo t-shirt
- grey trousers or skirt/pinafore
- black school shoes
Please put your child in clothes they can manage themselves. If easier this can be grey/black tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
Grey shorts or a green gingham dress can be worn during summer term.
Nursery sweatshirts can be ordered from J K Schoolwear who can be contacted on 0191 428 0268. Your child will also need a school book bag which can be purchased from J K Schoolwear. Uniform items can also be ordered online at: www.jkschoolwearandworkwear.co.uk
Children may not wear jewellery of any kind – this includes the wearing of rubber charity bands. Children may wear a watch. Earrings of any kind are not allowed. For clarity – pupils are not allowed to have anything in their ears. If children wish to have their ears pierced they should do so at the start of the summer break in order that the earrings can be removed in September. This is absolute advice from the Health and Safety Executive and in line with our School Behaviour policy.
Hair styles
Long hair must be tied up and kept off children’s faces. This is advice given by the school health service to reduce the incidence of head lice and applies to both boys and girls. Children should not have patterns shaved in or colours applied to their hair during term time as this is not appropriate for school.
School Bags
Children may bring a small packed lunch bag (Yrs 3-6), and either a school book bag or a school backpack. No other bags will be permitted in school as there is no space to store them.
Other Equipment
Children do not need to bring in their own pencil cases, pens etc. These will be provided by school.
Our PTA occasionally hold pre-loved uniform sales. Information on any upcoming events can be found via their Facebook page.
PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD’S BELONGINGS ARE CLEARLY NAMED. (Iron in Labels can be ordered from J K Schoolwear.)
Please encourage your child to be as independent as possible with dressing themselves by providing clothing and shoes with fastenings that they can manage themselves.