Super Subtraction - Feb 7, 2022
Last week and this week we have been learning all about subtraction. The children started by completing lots of practical subtraction activities including ‘on the bus’. We created a bus in our classroom and used it to solve subtraction calculations by sitting children on the bus, removing a given amount of children and working out how many were left on the bus. The children then had a go at doing this using bus templates and small people.
Another activity we completed was a game called ‘race to 0’. It was Mrs West V Reception. We each had a 10’s frame filled with counters and had to roll a dice and subtract that amount, the winner was the first to 0. The children loved this game even when they were 2-0 down to Mrs West! Luckily they pulled it back and took the win. The children then played the game with a partner and really enjoyed it.