Street Science Workshop - Nov 30, 2021
We were lucky enough to have a visit from the Street Science, who are students at Newcastle University. They led a workshop for us all about engineering, what it is and how it helps to change the world. Firstly, we found out about the different types of engineering including, civil, electrical and chemical. With each aspect of engineering, we took part in an experiment. The task linked with civil engineering was to create a simple water filter to clean dirty water. In groups, we were given a range of materials to pick from to use, this included cotton wool, sand, activated charcoal, pebbles and cloth. Choosing three of these materials, we were then asked in which order we wanted the dirty water to be filtered through first. Next, for electrical engineering, we created a buzzibot using a toothbrush head, motor, battery and wires. Finally, for chemical engineering, we made sherbet, measuring out the ingredients carefully. It was such a great afternoon, finding out about engineering and the career prospects available within this profession.