Science rocks! - Oct 23, 2020
We have really enjoyed our Science topic this term, learning all about rocks and soil. We learnt about the three rock families – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic – and the different properties these types of rock can have. Mrs Costello was really pleased when some of the pupils from Year 3 brought in their own rock collections to show the class, and others enjoyed finding rocks in the school garden and trying to work out what type they were.
In our practical lessons, we compared and described rock samples and did a scratch test to investigate which was the hardest. We learnt that soil is made up of tiny particles of rock and looked at soil samples to compare them before carrying out an investigation to find which was the most permeable. Finally, we had a really fun lesson where we made a model of the different soil layers using food, and also made fossils out of clay. Phew! We’ve certainly been busy!
Here are some photos of our work: