This half term we are focusing on our ball skills in PE lessons. Today the children developed their throwing and catching skills with a partner. We checked that our partner was looking before passing. We then used two hands to catch the ball. Great job, Reception 2!
Today we held a baby chick. We were very gentle with it. We found out that it was a boy as it was yellow. We noticed that some of its feathers were beginning to grow even though it was only 5 days old.
We loved it!
Today we began our new topic, 'How does it grow?'. We talked about seeds and what they need to help them to grow. We found out that plants need sun, water and soil.
After we had talked about it, we went and planted our own seeds. We will look after them and watch them grow into plants.
Shrove Tuesday
Reception 2 enjoyed celebrating Shrove Tuesday. We learned about why people have pancakes on this day. Afterwards we enjoyed having a scotch pancake with the choice of strawberries, blueberries and bananas...delicious!
Maths - Numbers 8 and 9
Today in Maths we focused on the numbers 8 and 9. We looked at a number card, which showed either 8 or 9 and then made the number with counters. We placed the counters on a tens frame and checked we had the right amount.
Marvellous Maths!
We have worked very hard in Maths today. We each chose a number card and made that number on our tens frame. We then discussed which number was worth more. We then moved on to saying which number was smaller. Afterwards, we worked together to order the numbers from 0-10. Great work, Reception!
Art - Natural Sculptures
In Expressive Arts and Design we are looking at sculptures. At the end of the topic we will have made our own sculpture out of clay, but today we collected natural materials in order to make a sculpture. We collected natural materials from outside and together we made an amazing piece of art work. It included a house, a shed, the sun, a road, a lake and a path.
During choosing time we were able to create our own piece of art work. We loved it.
Today in PE we moved around the hall using different apparatus. We jumped, hopped, balanced and slid. We were all very good in moving in different ways.
Maths - Measurement
Today in Maths, we continued our work on measurement. Our key words were 'shortest,' 'longer,' and 'longest.' Using playdough snakes, we made a shortest, longer and longest snake.
Signs of Winter
We have started reading 'One Snowy Night', by Nick Butterworth. Today in our English lesson we talked about the setting of the story. We know that the story is set in the winter because there is lots of snow and the animals want to get cosy and warm. We then went for a walk around the school to look for signs of winter. We found ice, frost, pine cones and we noticed that the trees had no leaves on them. We had to wrap up warm because it was very cold.
We have had a wonderful last day at school. Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas
Advent Wreath
Today we learned all about the Advent Wreath and how there are 3 purple candles and 1 pink candle. The candles are lit every Sunday as we countdown to Christmas day.
Marvellous Maths
In Maths this week, the children have been building on their understanding of the composition of numbers by investigating the composition of 3, 4 and 5. We have been investigating part–part–whole relations. Yesterday, we used numicon to see that 5 can be composed of 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2. We are beginning to understand that a whole is made up of smaller parts.
Cosmic Yoga
Today we all took part in some Cosmic Yoga to the theme of 'We're going on a Bear Hunt.' The children were excellent at following and copying the various yoga positions.
Odd Socks Day
This week is Anti Bullying week, the theme is Respect.
Today we launched the week by wearing odd-socks. This is to show that we are all different, but we are all to be treated the same. We listened to the song by Andy and the Odd Socks' it is called Respect. We loved dancing to it.
Painting Poppies
Today we painted poppies. We looked at pictures of poppies and talked about the colours that we could see. We then painted our own pictures which we are going to put on display around the school.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Today, we listened to the story of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf.' The children learned about the moral of the story - if we tell lies often, we might not be believed when we are actually telling the truth. Afterwards, we acted out the story.
Our Senses
Today we learned about our 5 senses. Our 5 senses are sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. We listened to sounds and had to decide what sound we could hear. We then used our eyes to play a game of 'eye spy'. After that we felt in a feely tub and had to decided what we could feel with our hands, we were very good at this. We then used our noses to smell some things. We smelt orange, lavender and vinegar. We thought the vinegar was disgusting! Then finally we used our sense of taste to taste three things. The first was lemon, lots of us really liked that taste. Then we tasted some mint sauce, this wasn't very popular and finally we tried some dark chocolate. At first when we saw it we were so excited, but when we tasted it we thought it was horrible!
Our topic is all about Autumn. We have been learning about all of the animals that hibernate for the winter. We made some shelters for the animals to live in for the winter. We talked about how they needed to be cosy, warm and safe for the animals. We hope they come to stay.
Today in maths we were working with a partner to count the animals that were on the paper. We used all of the skills that we had been learning this week as how to count. We made sure we touched each animal as we counted, we then told our partner how many we had found. Our partner then checked by placing counters over the animals. We worked really well as a team.
Friendship Bracelets
We read the story 'Will you be my friend?' By Sam McBratney. Afterwards, we talked about what it means to be a good friend. We then made friendship bracelets and gave them to who we wanted to be our friend.
Macmillan Cake Sale
Today we had our Macmillan coffee afternoon. Our grown ups came, we were so excited that we could eat some cakes! We sat with our grown up and decorated a cupcake. We are hoping to raise lots of money for a good cause!
Today in our PE lesson we thought about people who help us.
First we thought about Ambulance drivers. We moved around the space either fast, slow and backwards. Then we pretended to be Fire Fighters. We had to follow instructions. When we heard 'smoke' we crawled on the ground. When we heard 'fire hose' we put out the fire and when we heard 'fire fire' we ran in space.
Morning Tasks
When we come into school on a morning we sit at our table and take part in a morning task. This week we are developing our fine motor skills.
Fun in Reception!
Reception 2 are really enjoying inside and outside time in the classroom. We are working well as a class; taking turns, sharing and making friends.
Read Write Inc
Today we began our phonics lessons. We follow Read Write Inc. We were all amazing! We sat and listened and learned our new sound, which was 'm'. We then practised writing it and after that we played a game with 'Fred'. We cannot wait to learn some more tomorrow.
Reception enjoyed running around the mile track today. Look at them go!
Number formation practise on whiteboards. We looked at the correct way to form numerals 1-10.
This week we have explored the composition of 6, 7, 8 and 9. Today, we explored the composition of 9. We dropped 9 counters into sorting hoops and then subitised how many were in and out of the hoop.
Gymnastics obstacle course. Look at our balancing skills and safe jumping!
Exploring materials. We examined the arch in the picture 'The Courtyard of a House in Delft Pieter de Hooch, 1658 .'
Examining art. The Courtyard of a House in Delft Pieter de Hooch, 1658 .
We have enjoyed learning doubles up to 10. We played a doubles game with dominoes.
Let the children come to me!
We used oil pastels to create our own picture of the famous parable.
Reception have enjoyed describing and continuing a range of patterns this week. Well done!
We are really trying hard with our 'blending' in Reception. We are getting very good at using Fred Talk, Read the word.
Children In Need 2023
The children have loved coming into school dressed as Pudsey and have learned all about the Children In Need charity and the work that they do to support children in the UK.
Developing our fundamentals - Balancing
Our PE unit this half term has been dedicated to improving our fundamental skills. This week we have been focusing on our balance and stability.
Odd socks day
Reception have thoroughly enjoyed learning about 'Odd Socks Day' and understanding the importance of celebrating our differences.
Hibernation homes
As part of our Understanding the World topic 'Changes in Autumn', Reception have been learning all about animals that hibernate. This afternoon, the children spent time designing and creating homes out of junk model materials for the animals to hibernate in during the winter.
Shared snack
As part of our 'Shared snack' time on a Friday afternoon, we have been developing our spreading skills. This week, we have been learning how to spread butter onto crackers.
Superhero day!
Reception have loved celebrating Superhero day today!
Don't you think we look amazing in our costumes?
Subitising to 3
This week in Maths, Reception have been learning how to subitise to 3.
Primary Sports Festival
On Thursday morning, 14 of our Reception children took part in the Primary Sports Festival at Gateshead Stadium.
The children took part in 8 different activities which tested their fitness, strength and coordination.
Each child was awarded a certificate at the end of the session to congratulate them for taking part. As a school we also won the 'Honesty award' which we were very proud of.
Reception have had so much fun taking part in Bikeability today. Over the course of the day, we practised riding on a Balance bike, completed some bike aerobics, raced down a hill and some of us even tried riding a pedal bike with no stabilizers. We have worked so hard, but, have had so much fun!
Our first day in Reception!
The children have settled really well into Reception and enjoyed their first school lunch.
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