Reception-1 Page: 2022-2023
Exploring the life cycle of a chicken... All the chicks have hatched. We can finally hold our fluffy friends! How fascinating!

This half term topic is 'Growing'. On Tuesday some chick eggs arrived at St Augustine's. When we observed the eggs we noticed that some of them had begun to crack. We were all very excited and we could not wait to see them hatch. The little chicks did not keep us wait long: yesterday 6 fluffy little chicks came out of their shell and two more today! How exciting!

World Book Day 2023 - To celebrate World Book Day at St Augustine's, children came to school wearing their pyjamas. They also brought a teddy and a book to share. Parents joined them in the morning for a snuggly story time in the school hall.

Handa's village - This week our journey through Handa's story and her village in Kenya has come to an end. Yesterday we made Handa's village using playdough, wooden blocks and straw. We used playdough to make the animals, the seven delicious fruits that Handa put in her basket and the characters from Handa's story. We used wood and straw to make Handa and Akeyo's house. We then visited Reception 2 to admire their art work while our Reception 2 friends came to see our work. What a creative afternoon!

Mental Health Week - This week we have been discussing the importance of connecting with others, including family and friends. We have talked about how important it is to to keep talking about our feelings and to continue to check in on each other. We have made a paper chain to express the concept of staying 'connected'.
Number bonds to 5 - Today we have enjoyed learning number bonds to 5 by making delicious fruit skewers. We were only allowed to use two types of fruit, strawberry and banana, and we could only put 5 slices of fruit altogether. What a yummy Maths lesson we had :-)

Chinese New Year celebrations - Today we have learnt about the Chinese New Year. We have coloured in and decorated dragons and lanterns, and we have enjoyed some delicious Chinese food: rise, noodles, vegetable spring rolls, and prawn crackers. Some of us have been very brave, and they have made their food even more scrumptious by adding a bit of sweet chilli sauce. What a lovely starter for our lunch! Yummy!

Porridge Tasting - This week we have continued reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have focussed on the part of the story where Goldilocks tries the Bears' porridge and she describes the taste of each bowl of porridge. In our Understanding the World session, children pretended being Goldilocks and tried porridge from three different bowls, just like Goldilocks. One bowl of porridge tasted 'salted', one 'cold', and one was 'good and sweet'. Some children designed and made their own porridge using dry oats and glitter.

The three Bears' house - This half term's focus book in Reception is 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. This week we have described the three bears and their house, and we have enjoyed a sorting activity where we needed to place different items in the correct room in the house. It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to explore and practise a wide range of home related vocabulary while developing their fine motor skills.

The Wheels on the Bus... On our Christmas lunch day, Reception 1 children felt so festive and cheerful, that they improvised a 'Wheels on the Bus' show in class, and they had lots of fun!

Reception really enjoyed sharing their Christmas Lunch with their friends!
Christmas dinner!
Sponsored Santa Dash
This morning, Reception took part in a sponsored Santa Dash!
Despite the cold, the children ran around the field with a huge smile on their face and were so excited to receive a certificate, candy cane and selection box.
We would like to say a big thank you to the PTA who organised the whole event
SHAPES - This week we have explored some 2D shapes. We have named the shapes and we have described, compared and sorted our shapes into different groups depending on the number of sides that each shape has. In today’s task were were asked to use shapes creatively to draw a picture of our choice.

PANTS - Yesterday we had our PANTS session. We met Pantosaurus, our pant-wearing Dino, who wants every child to stay safe and strong, and he is on a mission to share an important message. Pantosaurus reminded us that our underwear covers up our private parts; our private parts are private and only belong to us; we have the right to say no if someone asks to see or touch our private parts; we must speak to an adult we trust if something worries or upsets us.