PSHE Overview
Here at St. Augustine’s we want pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with the skills they will need throughout later life. One of the many ways in which we can do this is through the teaching of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). PSHE is an area through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe, and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.
It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. It gives children an understanding of the rights and responsibilities that are part of being a good citizen. In addition, we believe that a child needs to learn about the many emotional aspects of life and how to manage their own emotions.
Mrs Baharie
PSHE Co-ordinator
Anti-Bullying Overview
Here at St. Augustine’s we work throughout the year to make sure that everyone feels safe, secure and happy. We do this through liturgies, stories and circle times. Also, through good pastoral care, where there are good relationships between staff and pupils.
We believe that bullying of any kind is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our school. We strongly believe that if bullying is challenged effectively, pupils will feel safe and happy. Everybody has the right to be treated with respect.
Bullying can be done by one person or by a group of people and can be towards one person or a group of people. A useful way to remember bullying is STOP (Several Times On Purpose)
Bullying can take many forms. There are 3 main areas:
- Emotional– being unfriendly, excluding tormenting (e.g. hiding books, threatening gestures)
- Physical- pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence
- Verbal– name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing Cyber- all areas of internet, i.e. email, internet chat room misuse. Mobile threats by text messaging and calls. Misuse of associated technology, i.e. camera and video facilities
Whole School Events
Anti-bullying week is celebrated annually across the whole school from Nursery to Year 6. Throughout the week all children are involved in activities that highlight the issue of bullying. The activities are aged related and are carried out in an engaging way in order for children to be made aware that bullying is being hurtful or unkind to someone else, on purpose and more than once. In this way children are aware of the signs to look out for, not only for themselves but for their fellow pupils. They know that bullying is not acceptable and will not be tolerated in our school.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

We are very proud to have achieved the Bronze Award from the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This award is given to schools who show that they have been able to reduce bullying and improve wellbeing for pupils.
Here at St Augustine's we are aware of the importance of looking after children's
well-being. One way that we support this is through daily Stormbreak activities.
Stormbreak is a charity whose aim is to improve children's mental health through movement, equipping them with sustainable, transferable skills and coping strategies to thrive in today's society.
When the storm rages we teach children to create light, calm and change through movement. Embedding mentally healthy movement for every child, everyday. Equipping children with sustainable skills and coping strategies to thrive throughout life.
Useful Links
Here are some useful websites that may provide you with knowledge and support in relation to Anti-Bullying. Please click on the links below:
Eco-Club Overview
Here at St. Augustine’s we have recently formed an Eco Club, with the aim of empowering students to participate and take up meaningful environmental activities and projects. It is a place where the children are encouraged to promote sound environmental behaviour.
Children from Year 1 to Year 6 have been elected to become members of the Eco-Committee. The children are working towards the Eco Schools Green Flag Award. In order to achieve this, they have created an action plan for the school. The topics which the children are focusing on are:
- Recycling – placing greater emphasis on recycling within the school.
- Monitoring the use of water in school and using this to compare the use of water in Third World Countries and to raise money for Water Aid.
- Reducing the use of electricity in the school. Making people aware of the need to turn off lights when they are not needed.
Members of the Eco-Committee

Useful Links
Here are some useful websites which provide information on environmental issues for children. Please click on the pictures below:
Playground Buddies Overview
At St. Augustine’s we believe our playground buddy scheme plays an important part in creating a safe, friendly, happy and peaceful atmosphere for children during their lunchtimes.
The playground buddies are children from Year 5 and above who are given the opportunity to take on the formal role of ‘Playground Buddy’ to help look after Reception and Key Stage 1 children. It is important that the children who are buddies are able to:.
- Show kindness to others.
- Be prepared, at all times, to put the needs of others before their own.
- Support any child who seems to be in difficulty or upset.
- Seek to find a friend for any child who seems to have no one to play with.
- Tell the adult/adults on duty about potentially dangerous situations.
- Deal fairly with all children.
- Value every child and treat them with respect.
The buddies really enjoy their responsibilities, and not only do they make the playground a happy place for all the children, but also offer a great help to the staff on duty at lunchtime.
What is their role?
- To help all children to learn to play cooperatively with each other.
- To help children resolve minor conflicts.
- Teach children to play a wider range of games.
- Help lonely children make more friends
- Most importantly, be available as a friend to all the other children.