P.E. Team Work Skills - Dec 2, 2020
In P.E we are focusing on team work, problem solving and communication skills. This week we were given two tasks to complete in groups. The first was ‘bridge the gap’, in this game we were challenged to bridge the gap between the two skipping ropes using our bodies and the following rule: we were not able to overlap, all team members must be use and the whole team had to be in contact with each other. After team discussions we were put to the task and worked together to complete it ensuring we followed the rules and communicated with our team. Our second challenge was ‘pond rescue’, in this activity we were given a range of equipment and stood around a ‘pond’ filled with objects. Using the equipment given we had to work together to retrieve as many items from the pond as possible ensuring we did not enter the pond t any time. Needless to say there were lots of giggles during this lesson!