PE Overview
At St Augustine’s, we believe that PE and sport have a vital role to play in the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of children. PE promotes an understanding in children about their bodies in action, it involves thinking, selecting and applying appropriate skills. We strive to equip our pupils with the knowledge and tools to make informed choices about healthy and active living throughout their lives in addition to developing a lifelong interest in sport and fitness.
By creating a safe and inclusive environment where effort and hard work is celebrated, we encourage all children to persevere to reach their full sports potential, regardless of ability. Pupils will benefit from personalised feedback throughout their PE lessons, promoting reflection and growth.
We provide a high-quality curriculum building on the prior learning of our pupils ensuring the progression and development of key fundamental movement skills. During their time at St Augustine’s, pupils will take part in a wide range of sporting activities and competitions including dance, gymnastics, games, outdoor and adventurous activities and athletics. Alongside this, as outlined in the National Curriculum, all schools must provide swimming sessions. This is currently offered to pupils in Year 3, who will attend a free weekly swimming lesson at Heworth Leisure Centre. Here, pupils are taught to:
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- Use a range of effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
Mrs Appleby
PE Co-ordinator
PE in Early Years
Within Early Years, children are encouraged to explore physical activity through active free-play. With the direction of the class teachers, pupils will be introduced to situations where they will be required to develop control and co-ordination alongside their gross and fine motor skills. The children will then begin to use these skills in basic game scenarios as the year and their competence and confidence progresses.

PE in Key Stage 1
Building on the confidence gained in movement in the Early Years, children in Key Stage 1 continue to create a foundation of movements and skills that will underpin lifelong participation in sport. Pupils are taught to master their basic fundamental movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching. Additionally, children will develop their balance, agility and co-ordination. Our children will begin to identify and celebrate their own successes and recognise the changes in their body when exercising throughout their time in Key Stage 1.

PE in Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, children begin to adapt their physical skills acquired in Years 1 and 2 to a range of sporting situations. Pupils begin to use their movement skills in different ways, linking them to create actions and sequences of movement. These movements develop to include running at different speeds, jumping, throwing and catching and isolation and developing overall fitness, stamina and strength. With a focus on games, children will enjoy communicating, collaborating, and competing with others. They will begin to celebrate not only their own but the successes of others, evaluating and suggesting ways to improve.
By Years 5 and 6, pupils will have gained the knowledge and understanding to lead small groups during PE lessons.

Curriculum Coverage
Programme of Study
Throughout the school, we use the PE scheme ‘Get Set 4 PE’. This is a progressive scheme of work which builds on the previous year groups learning in order to develop skills. The scheme provides a wealth of resources and high-quality PE lessons which teachers use and adapt to suit the needs of their individual classes. Additionally, we utilise the expertise from external coaches to deliver sessions and upskill our staff.
Through our affiliation with Gateshead School Sports Partnership (GSSP), pupils will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills acquired through our PE lessons during sporting events. These events can be of a competitive nature, competing against other schools in the local authority or to further develop skills in another setting. We aim to provide every child with the opportunity to attend these events.
Whole School Activities
- All year groups have access to a range of equipment to use during their break and lunch times to encourage active play.
- Each Summer, children in Year 5 will be given the fantastic opportunity to visit Marrick Priory for a residential visit. Here, they will engage in outdoor and adventurous activities such as abseiling, rock climbing, canoeing and orienteering.
- All year groups from Year 2-6 will take part in a ‘Survival Day’ to develop problem-solving and team work in a range of scenarios.
- Each year in Summer Term, children will be compete against others in their class in our Annual Sports Day which parents and carers are invited to watch.
- Children will be given the opportunity to attend larger events such as the Gateshead Dance Festival at The Glasshouse (formerly Sage Gateshead). This is in addition to the Gateshead Athletics Festival at Gateshead Stadium and Primary Cross Country events.
- On non-PE days, children across the school will run a mile each day for the Daily Mile.
Sports Premium Funding
The Sports Premium Funding is designed by the government to enable primary schools to improve their provision for PE and the quality of activities offered to pupils in schools. In 2023/24, we aim to spend our funding by:
- Premium membership to the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership
- Implementation of OPAL project, focused on outdoor play across school
- Increased participation in festivals, tournaments and competitions for children in Key Stage 2
- Training by specialised coaches to upskill staff
- Top up swimming sessions for Year 6 pupils
- To increase the amount of daily physical activity of all children in school
Please follow the link for more information about how the funding was used previously.
Useful Links – Under the ‘Active Families’ tab, a wealth of ideas, resources and games to encourage an active lifestyle at home. – Information regarding the PE and Sport Premium Funding – Sporting activities including ’10 Minute Shake Up’. Alongside this, find easy to cook recipes for children and information on maintaining a healthy diet. – Family friendly activities to keep moving in your living room, garden or local park. – Youth Sport Trust is a children’s charity working to ensure every child enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport. Click on the ‘resources’ link for high quality cross-curricular resources.