The Tiger Who Came to Tea
The children have enjoyed reading the story 'The tiger who came to tea'. They have completed various activities such as designed their own tigers, role playing with the tiger and making playdough tiger stripes.
Fine Motor Challenges
The children have thoroughly enjoyed their fine motor challenges. They are working hard to strengthen the muscles in their fingers, ready for writing in Reception.
Building with the cubes.
The children have enjoyed working with the cubes this week. Some of the boys built towers with their cubes. They wanted to find out if they were taller or shorter than their towers.
Lots of the children do not like to eat tomatoes at snack time, so we decided to make soup.
We chopped up the tomatoes, added some lentils and vegetable stock and gave it a big stir. We let it cook and then Mrs Ord blended it together.
Most of the children loved their soup. It was very tasty.
Our Growing Plants
The children have enjoyed watching our plants grow! We observed them during group time and discussed how we have been looking after them. We agreed that sunlight and water are good for our plants as they are growing so well.
The children in nursery have enjoyed working outside. There have been lots of opportunities to work their fine and gross motor muscles.
Making our own playdough
The children in Nursery love to work with the playdough. We have our very own secret recipe to make our own. The children show amazing PSED skills as they wait their turn to add in and stir the ingredients; showing control with their gross motor movements. They then wait patiently as they watch Mrs Ord stir the playdough on cooker top. They all know the safety rules when working with the cooker. Once the playdough is made and has cooled, the children use their muscles again to squash and squeeze the dough.
Outdoor Learning
The outdoor environment is a very important part of our learning and development. The children in Nursery love to be outside exploring, playing and building up their gross motor movements.
We love singing songs in Nursery. One of our favourite songs is 'Old McDonald had a Farm!' We love using the guitar to add some music and the farm props to aid our singing.
The children in nursery love to join in with 'Dough Disco'. They each have their own mini pot of playdough and enjoy singing along as they complete the different actions. Dough Disco is a brilliant activity for strengthening the muscles in the children's fingers and supporting their control and coordination.
Role Play Fun!
The nursery children have had a wonderful week. They have particularly loved working in the role play area. They have enjoyed taking on the different roles of looking after the babies, writing shopping lists, making lunch for one another and even fixing the broken wheel on the babies' pram.
Nursery Page Archive
The children had a fantastic time for McMillan. They put on a wonderful performance singing nursery rhymes and then thoroughly enjoyed themselves eating cake! Thank you for all of your donations.
Nursery showed great control and coordination when they joined in with our rhythm sticks. They used their rhythm sticks to make a pizza and to pretend to be lots of animals. Well done Nursery.