Nissan Visit - Mar 1, 2022
Today we visited the Nissan Car Plant in Sunderland and what a trip it was! It was a fun filled, jam-packed day from start to end. The morning started with an introduction to the Nissan brand and it’s history, we then found out about the country it was founded in, Japan. We the took part in the Daruma Doll ceremony where we coloured in one eye of the doll and wrote our names on the back of it, reflecting on what we wanted to achieve during the day. After this we moved on to finding out more about the Sunderland Car Plant, the areas of it and machinery used to created the cars. Next, tasked with a team building challenge, we were to build a Lego Nissan Buddy car. In groups, we each were given a role which recreated an aspect of the production line. We worked as a team to build a car in the fastest time and then challenged to build two! In the afternoon took part in hands on corner where there was a carousel of activities including a reaction machine and finger training. We also used tools such as hammers and impact wrench. To end the day, we closed the Daruma Doll Ceremony by selecting a member of the class to colour the second eye. It is fair to say we had an amazing time!