Art Week - Apr 21, 2021
This week has been Art Week in school. We have been looking at the picture “The Finding of Moses.” Over the first few days we have focused on the water and different techniques when painting water. We worked in a carousel and tried out 4 different methods.
- We painted directly onto bubble wrap using colours that reminded us of the water. We painted this in whichever pattern we liked and then pressed the bubble wrap onto our paper.
- We used shaving foam and squirted paint into the foam. We then used the paintbrush to create swirls and spirals. We carefully pressed our paper into the mixture and when we lifted it out, scraped off the excess. The result was impressive.
- We used oil pastels to create an imaginary underwater scene. We then used a blue colour-wash to paint over the top of our pastels and created our own underwater oasis.
- We used watered down paint (a variety of blue, green and silver) to put onto our paper. We then used a straw and blew gently onto the paint and watched the paint move and spread. We made some fantastic (and very interesting) patterns.
We will also be trying out different shading techniques and weaving this week.